Monday, 20 January 2014

ePortfolios...Where do you start?!

This past week in ICT class, Mike Nantais introduced us to the idea of a personal ePortfolio. Before this class I didn't know much about ePorfolio's and their importance they can have when you're looking for employment someday. Mike explained to us that these types of portfolios are growing in popularity since they can include video and audio in addition to more traditional elements.

Over the next couple weeks, we will be brainstorming ideas and forming our own personal ePortfolios. We as a class brainstormed some ideas for what we should have on our portfolio, some ideas were:
  • A welcome page that introduces yourself.
  • A personal information page which further introduces yourself and goals for the future.
  • Resume: highlighting the important experiences that have occurred in your life (work, teaching, volunteer, etc.)
  • Teaching philosophy
  • Professional Learning (professional developments - what did you learn?)
  • Artifacts: this may include student teaching reports, lesson examples, activities, ICT items, gifts from students.
  • Classroom Management plan
  • Sell yourself - include things you have done that might get you an interview/job. Basically..."What do you have to offer?!"
So, over the next few weeks I look forward to building my ePortfolio and thinking of new ideas that I can add to it. Even though the jury is still out on whether interviewers or administrators actually have a look at these, I am still looking forward to seeing what I can put together from all of my experiences.

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